Yoga with Toma

Work your way through hours of incredible yoga lessons with the amazing Toma! If you're a beginner, start with the pose breakdowns, or move through the various different mini courses to suit your needs and ability.

Toma · July 7, 2023

Dive Deep into the World of Yoga: From Pose Breakdowns to Heartfelt Sessions

You know those moments when the weight of the world feels a tad too much? Or when you’re just craving a bit of me-time? Well, that’s when a good ol’ yoga session with Toma can be an absolute game-changer.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or someone who’s just discovered the joy of the mat, Toma’s got a little something for everyone:

  • Pose Breakdowns: New to yoga? Start here! Toma patiently walks you through each pose, explaining every bend and twist. From the revitalising Downward Facing Dog to the relaxing Child’s Pose, you’ll learn the ins and outs, ensuring your practice is both safe and fulfilling.
  • Hamstring Challenge: Strengthen and stretch those hamstrings and release tension in a series that promises both challenge and reward.
  • Yoga for Letting Go: Had one of those days? (Yeah, we’ve all been there!) These sessions are designed to help you release, breathe out the negativity and embrace the calm.
  • Post Work Stretches: For those days when you’ve been glued to your desk or have just wrapped up a marathon meeting. Unwind and stretch it all out, from head to toe.
  • Everything else: Seeking tranquillity? The Candlelit Yin Yoga has you covered. Need a full-body balance? Dive into the Yoga Flow. There’s a buffet of yoga goodness waiting for you, each offering its unique flavour of relaxation and rejuvenation.

So, whether you’re looking to strengthen your body, soothe your mind, or just have a bit of a stretch and giggle – Toma’s yoga classes are where it’s at. Go on, give it a whirl. Your body and mind will thank you! 🧘‍♀️✨

About Instructor


1 Course

+1581 enrolled
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Course Includes

  • 28 Lessons
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